Quell Training

Dealing with Violence & Aggression

Help your staff effectively deal with violence and aggression that they may face in their role.

Training to help manage violent and aggressive situations at work

Your workplace should be a safe space. No one should have to deal with violence and aggression in their work. But there can be times when you may encounter what is termed a ‘difficult’ person. Someone who feels they need to shout or act in an aggressive manner to achieve their goal. An inappropriate response can further aggravate the situation or result in someone suffering injury through no fault of their own. And that is exactly what we want to prevent. 

Our training teaches proven skills and techniques to build confidence and help you to work professionally and assertively when dealing with difficult or challenging people.  You’ll become familiar with procedures which must be adhered to in order to ensure both a duty of care for yourself and the difficult or aggressive party.


Quell Violence and Aggression Training

You will learn to identify the key signs of potentially violent or aggressive situations and how to defuse them effectively. This will ensure you are able to reduce the risk of the incident becoming uncontrollable and dangerous.

Upon completion of the course, you will be able to:

  • Identify the key components in all angry confrontations;
  • Recognise different stages of conflict escalation;
  • Understand how to respond professionally and assertively to anger and conflict;
  • Maintain composure when handling angry people;
  • Manage your verbal and non-verbal communication.
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Quell provided lone worker training for experienced homeless services’ workers from Dublin City Council and Housing First. The training was tailored for the level of experience of staff and we received very positive feedback from all who attended. The suggestions and follow-up provided to management after the training was particularly useful.

The Irish Council for Social Housing has been working with Quell for well over a decade to provide tailored training to our member organisations. This training has been specifically focused on the needs of staff working for approved housing bodies and has always been comprehensive, engaging and excellent quality. Hundreds of approved housing body staff have completed training with Quell through the ICSH, ensuring they are well equipped to deal with challenging situations that may arise through workplace violence or lone working.
Catherine McGillycuddy,
Development Specialist (Education and Membership), IRISH COUNCIL FOR SOCIAL HOUSING

Let’s Discuss how to deal with Violent and Aggressive Situations

Quell is here to help with potentially violent and aggressive situations that may arise for your staff and ensure your policies and procedures comply with the relevant standards.