Quell Training

Posts tagged: Physical Intervention

This is not ‘Control & Restraint’ or any form of Martial Arts, aggressive skills or even the use of a punching bag to incite your aggressive survival skills. Physical Intervention (PI) is simple, yet effective, non-pain compliant skills. These can be used by any individual, regardless of age, size and experience, on others to protect themselves safely without encouraging the aggressor to become more violent towards them or a colleague or the organisation. The techniques we have adopted have been medically & legally assessed and are therefore accredited, whereas a large number of physical techniques are not. These skills have also been specifically designed to suit many different roles within the workplace from security, transport, education, care and health sectors. It is a highly recognised skill that when combined with conflict management can be another effective tool to protect you, your colleagues, your clients and the industry you are working within.

The Security Industry Authority have now put into place from today, the new criteria required for all Door Supervisors who do not have qualifications like Physical Intervention on their current licence and may require Upskilling Door Supervisors.

Physical Intervention in the Security Sector: Who is at more at risk? We were recently asked the question above in relation to a Door Supervisor on a Nightclub door or a Security Guard in a department or supermarket?

Do you need your Door Upskilling Done? Since the announcement from the Security Industry Authority (SIA) recently, that if you completed your Door Supervisors Course before June 2010, well then you may need to attend a Door Upskilling Course.

Dealing with Aggressive Customers Panorama recently did an insight into the world of Gambling within the UK, and apart from the excellent information around the subject of gambling addiction it did highlight the aggressive natures that can come with any addiction.

Bill Butler the Boss of the Security Industry Authority has warned about ignoring the subject of Physical Intervention Training, and the importance of recognising its importance in the licensed trade.

Below is a blog written by Bill Fox on the changes and happenings within the Physical Intervention Training, and anyone with any questions should get in touch with us at Quell as we are one of the providers for the Physical Intervention Training in partnership with Maybo here in Northern Ireland and now also delivering…[Read More]

Knowing how to escort people from premises safely is important to door supervisors, who may have to deal with this type of situation as part of their role. Disengagement skills are also useful if, for example, a customer has grabbed hold of you.