Crisis Management or Physical Intervention? We often get asked about our training and again it does border on the fringes of confusion when there are so many different terms for so many different types of delivery.
Dealing with Aggressive Colleagues and Staff Training: Is it needed? Another question was asked to a member of the Quell team recently, when we were carrying out training in respect of Lone Working.
e Learning has hit a new high in Quell After releasing our new e Learning packages relating to workplace violence in partnership with Maybo (Awarding Body), the response has been quite astounding as not only has a high percentage of the Housing Sector taken interest our new approach to assisting organisations that are large, medium…[Read More]
Managing Workplace Violence for Managers This course has become one of our fastest development courses for managers over the recent months, in both the United Kingdom and within the Island of Ireland. It has alerted those in roles of responsibilities to the risks faced by staff and the consequences of not being proactive in protecting…[Read More]
Breakaway Training: Do we need it? We have been asked over the years about breakaway training, and this has been asked by all sectors from Public, Private, Voluntary to name a few but we have always stuck by our guidelines of what is the risk faced.
Reasons to have a workplace violence policy (A Legal perspective) Whenever we hear the word legal or anything to do with inspection or audit, a cold shudder can sometimes follow, as it also can mean that someone could be liable for blame.
You will see below we have again given some relevant points towards the benefits of having a workplace violence policy for staff.
It’s been a great night out – you’ve had a few drinks and danced the night away. Somewhere along the way you seem to have lost your friends but you’ll give them a call on the mobile and catch up with them.
Dealing with Aggressive People or Potentially Violent Risks? Over the past few weeks we have looked at incidents of rage on air lines through to riots in the UK Mainland, but as the media reports on one incident after another, smaller acts of aggression and violence are sometime overlooked. What we are going to do…[Read More]
Prevention of Verbal Abuse Training (Part 3) If you have been following this blog over the past few days you will or should have seen the build-up and hopefully have been playing along in the game of guessing what comes next.