Quell Training

Harassment Training

Harassment Training (Personal Safety)

When anyone within the workplace describes the subject of Harassment … it does pose the thought of internal conflict between members of staff. However from our experience this has also been from external persons as well.

Example would be the over friendliness of a customer or client, from the point of making the staff member feel uncomfortable in certain circumstances; entering and leaving work, calling at inappropriate times of the day and appearing at key locations; shops, bus stops and even at the persons home.

What you are probably unaware of is that some members of staff do actually laugh this off, or even don’t report incidents as it would either not be taken seriously, or taken in the context that it may be partly their fault.

This subject is very complex and sensitive. We have seen an increase of our clients asking for information and ideas to deal with the subject of harassment, and to say that there is a generic answer would be foolish. However there is always a solution to every problem, the problem is making sure the right one is picked to ensure staff safety.

If you feel that this subject of harassment training is something you would like to know more about, and see how it falls under the umbrella of workplace violence then contact us at Quell.


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