Personal Safety Training
Recently whilst carrying out training needs analysis with an organisation on Personal Safety Training, the question “WHY” was asked. The person asking the question did not ask it in a callous way or indeed mean any intent of questioning the training to be provided, but it was asked in the manner of why has it got to a point where organisations feel that training has to be done in this subject?
What we have decided to do this month is run a series of blogs looking at different parts of the training and how best we can give out tips to help you understand if there is a risk to your personal safety.
Before I begin over the coming months, I want to point out a few things to put everyone in the right frame of mind and understand the blogs. Advice via blogs, articles and even you tube can never replace physical training as it highlights phrases, emotions and actions in the “what if” and inclusive the training needs to be either recognised or delivered by someone that has experience and references. I work with a vast number of organisations that bring us in after the training that they have selected has not worked, or the trainer has not understood the risks faced by the staff.
I have written on many occasions that you can throw a stone in any direction and you will hit Personal Safety Training links and also hit someone who says they can deliver Personal Safety Training, but because of financial constraints or ease of selection some organisations employ these trainers without fully understanding the importance of the training. This means that in the long term when something has happened to a member of staff and they try and find the trainer to give substance to the training provided, well all I will say is that it has not ended good for all involved.
Training in this subject is both essential and sensitive to many organisations, inclusive of being last on the long list of issues, however if a member of staff is injured and it was proven that a risk was identified and they did nothing about it, again it would be hard to not only keep their job but also just as hard to find a job when it is proven they did not provide a safe place to work.
Blog by Will Holland