Quell wishes all Clientele a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Merry Christmas and thank you for making 2019 a great and fruitful year. Inclusive of our associate trainers, as without your support and hard work our position within the world of workplace violence would not be as prominent as it is at this time, so thank you as well.
Our training in the Workplace Violence fields has immensely increased this year, and with brand new contracts arriving weekly within both the United Kingdom & Republic of Ireland, and the increase of our international consultancy projects, 2016 is already highlighting its welcomed challenges.
Grateful would not be the word as we have again gained this year more clients than 2018, and already 2020 has got great forecasts in the United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland and further afield.
Overall we at Quell have developed and increased our output throughout the year, and we pride ourselves on our attention to detail and the dedication of every member within the team to focus on providing a professional service and listen to what the clients wants, and that goes by us respecting everyone we work with and as we always state to every new client that we would rather build a relationship in finding a solution than just providing training and then emailing an invoice.
We believe that not only our approach and dedication has made 2019 another successful year, but everyone that we have worked alongside and our clients who have not only recommended us to other companies both here and internationally, but helped with important information and support throughout the year to make us a recognised provider of workplace violence training.
Please except our sincere and heartfelt thanks and we look forward to working with you again in 2020. We wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Will, Hilary and the Team
Quell Training Ltd