Quell Training

Conflict Management Training for the Housing Sector

Conflict Management Training for the Housing Sector

Quell has again delivered a well received workshop on Conflict Management for the Housing Sector, our experience and understanding of their needs has again proven to be successful as the feedback and interest in future workshops is evident.

At times we get comments from staff members that their organisations don’t care or help them develop their skills in respect of personal safety or dealing with difficult and aggressive people, but it is clearly evident from the feedback we got during this workshop that their respective organisations do care and want to help protect their staff through effective and realistic training.

Attendees were from Wesley Housing Association and Habinteg Housing Association and we can categorically say they all fully participated in all scenarios and brought a lot of knowledge and experience to the session, as it was clear they had encountered some incidents, but also worked together to find solutions and ideas to either defuse or remove themselves from the situation of aggression or unacceptable behaviour.

We have throughout our own careers ignored or pushed aside emotions when we are faced with difficult people, but also at times we have reacted aggressively as we believe it is the best solution to defuse a situation without thinking of the long term effect. Even during this workshop we explored how our emotions can dictate our reactions, and also how best to recognise and approach a situation with a solution of safety for all involved.

At Quell we always design our workshops to meet the needs and risks of those attending, and our experience of training within the Housing Sector for over 8 years has proven this; also the feedback and recommendations to other housing organisations within Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland which our current clients give.

If you would like more information of any of our conflict management training for the Housing Sector, and especially in Northern or Southern Ireland please do not hesitate to call or email us on the details below.

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