Dealing with Violence in the Workplace Training
Dealing with Violence in the Workplace Training
Whenever we mention the subject of workplace violence to our new clients, the expression we often encounter does sometimes initiate us to reply with “it’s not as bad as it sounds”.
The mention of violence and the connection to the workplace can lead to thoughts of staff being badly assaulted and attacked with offensive weapons, but the term workplace violence is used to incorporate all areas relating to the act of both verbal and physical abuse.
The majority of the subjects we deliver concentrates on dealing with Violence in the Workplace and with that comes different approaches and levels needed to be addressed to minimise not only the risk, but also the cost to the organisation.
Many organisations are combating dealing with violence in the workplace by introducing different types of equipment from head cameras, through to panic alarms and the more advanced global positioning systems available on the market. However all the equipment in the world might look good for an audit or even give your staff a small degree of confidence, but overall if they are not given training for dealing with violence in the workplace it could all fall down drastically at the first hurdle.
We have never at Quell stated that training is the only option to tackle forms of verbal and physical abuse in the workplace, but what we do stand by is that if proven training skills and realistic approaches are not taught correctly all the technology in the world will not prevent, deter or defuse an incident of workplace violence.
For more information on Dealing with Violence in the Workplace Training call us at Quell.
Blog by Will Holland