Quell Training

e Learning has hit a new high in Quell

e Learning has hit a new high in Quell

After releasing our new e Learning packages relating to workplace violence in partnership with Maybo (Awarding Body), the response has been quite astounding as not only has a high percentage of the Housing Sector taken interest our new approach to assisting organisations that are large, medium and small to take notice of abuse, threats and assaults in the workplace but also some civil service departments are interested in the e Learning we are providing to our existing clients.

The new packages allow companies to help fill the gap if they don’t have enough new staff to fill a course, or that there is no need for a full day’s practical session as per the risk assessment the levels are very low.

Inclusive of being something to assist in “If” an incident of workplace violence has occurred to help reboot the memory and promote personal safety, especially if they need to use the terminology in statements are clearly explain reactions.

e Learning will never replace practical training sessions, but will help managers and those in responsibility for the safety of staff and to implement effective measures and systems to help promote a safer workplace, and with these new packages we have introduced skills and techniques around lone working that are both realistic and effective.

If you would like to try one of our new e Learning packages for your sector, then do not hesitate and contact us at Quell.



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