Quell Training

Lone Worker Training: Am I a Lone Worker?

We have been recently asked again about Lone Worker Training.

The people asking the question are not asking for the sake of asking, but are actually concerned in the sense that they may not be protecting themselves or their staff in the event of an incident by not doing any form Lone Worker Training.

When it comes to designing and implementing a solution towards Lone Working Training, all areas should be addressed from the primary all the way through to the “What If” scenario.

It should be noted that an increase in Lone Workers has become more apparent over the past few years (due to cut backs of staff and constraints of manning) however, it should not be an excuse for anyone responsible for staff to neglect or ignore if their staff need training in this area.

Remember the best way to identify if you or your staff are Lone Workers is to ask – is there immediate help or assistance in the event of an incident?  Also, has a risk been identified and nothing has been put in place to prevent, deter or defuse then the person responsible, and the person responsible for them and so on is liable to some form of prosecution if found negligent.

Lone Worker Training is something that should be considered and not put down to either a box to tick or worry about it when it happens.

If you need more information on Lone Worker Training, then please contact us on the details below.


Blog by Will Holland

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