Virtual Classroom Training for Lone Working
The subject of Lone Working is sensitive on its own and also a difficult subject to deliver if you have not got either experience or knowledge of the subject, as many attendees can comment on the different risks they face and the issues they come across, however delivering the same subject via a Virtual Classroom is even more difficult due to the delay, interest or retention level of the attendees.
The subject of Virtual Classroom Training as I have written about over the past few weeks has been confused at times with eLearning, and therefore I would encourage readers to relook at this post. Virtual Classroom Training is electronic, but it is a session that has physical attendees together online at a designated time and reflecting upon a given subject, for instance, the risks associated with Lone Working. I would state that currently a lot of people are burnt out with webinars or online meetings, however, the Virtual Classroom is designed to still enthuse learning but with a different style and approach.
Training is not only as good as the subject, trainer and knowledge, but it is also down to the attendees to give the subject matter a chance to thrive, and doing this via a webcam can be quite uncomfortable for many.
I would encourage anyone or organisation to not leave training to the side for now, but to try these new approaches to the delivering of learning and visit our new courses that will increase as time and interest are generated by the current status of face to face training.