Lone Worker Training (The Contingency Plan)
Lone Worker Training (The Contingency Plan)
We all like to think we have a contingency plan and especially an idea of how to deal with a problem or issue. However most of our training plans are around things like power cuts, floods, server failing or then down another path of product failure, late arrival of stock to even vehicle breakdown, but when it comes to Lone Working it does in some areas fail to meet the requirements.
For most of us the problems of Lone Working may never happen inclusive of even being a Lone Worker, then again have you thought of your staff and are they lone workers at specific times like, opening up or closing the building in the early hours or late at night?
At the moment we are coming into the seasons of brighter mornings and lighter evenings, so no-one is really worrying about this subject, or then again is it because you have not thought of it?
Lone Worker Training is a subject that some organisations say to us we will have the training to tick a box (yes they actually openly say that), but once we have highlighted that they don’t have a contingency plan if a member of staff is missing or fails to report, then into other areas of “IF” a member of staff is threatened or worse assaulted, then it really hits home as they then know they can be liable if nothing substantial or viable is put into place to protect all members of staff.
Our training is not designed to scare monger or even place managers into a position where if they don’t do the training they could end up in court, the courses we provide in Lone Worker Training go through the simple steps you need to take as a Manager or Staff member to ensure everyone’s safety.
Lone Worker Training is something we take very seriously and all our clients both old and new see the benefit after we have worked with them to produce Policies and Procedures, right through to the delivery of realistic and worthwhile training.
Do not cut costs by ticking a box as in the long run it will and can cost you more if not careful.
We supply help and guidance in all areas relating to Lone Worker Training here in Northern Ireland and now in the Republic of Ireland, so for references and information on sectors we have helped provide a safe place and safe system of work contact us at Quell on the details below.