Lone Worker Training (Booking In & Out)
Lone Worker Training (Booking In & Out)
Booking in & out of work or when conducting off site visits has been labelled over the years as “BIG BROTHER” and with that has developed an attitude towards the task.
The whole “where you are” and “what you are doing” is not usually contributed towards the employer checking up on you, but down to their responsibilities as a manager.
The Lone Worker Training we provide not only assists managers in understanding their responsibilities, and procedures they must follow but also helpful skills and techniques to encourage staff on why they need to book in & out when carrying out their job.
Staff need to also understand lone worker training to realise they have a duty to protect themselves and others, so we look at the reasoning behind the booking in & out and also case studies demonstrating how not reporting has caused incidents, but also the benefits of why we book in & out.
Overall our training is designed to provide clear advice and guidance on the importance of booking in & out, and the best way forward for any organisation is to have a clear understanding of Lone Worker Training, plus the legal implications that if they do not do everything to protect their staff will fall hard onto them, as it is proven more and more in the media of court cases and civil action against organisations who have either purposely not protected staff, or unknowingly been caught out due to lack of guidance or information.
We offer realistic lone worker training which identifies what your risks are and then design specific methods around them, ensuring you don’t receive a basic package that is not worth the paper it is written on, but something that is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time Bound (SMART) that you can benefit from and not regret.
For more information on any of our Lone Worker Training Courses, please contact us at Quell on the details below.