Quell’s Top Ten Tips for Keeping Safe on a Night Out
It’s been a great night out – you’ve had a few drinks and danced the night away. Somewhere along the way you seem to have lost your friends but you’ll give them a call on the mobile and catch up with them.
You go back to the table but they aren’t there and neither is your coat which contained your mobile, money and front door keys. The Door Supervisor asks you to leave and suddenly you find yourself outside in the cold starting to worry. Out of the corner of your eye you see two suspicious characters crossing the road and heading in your direction…………….
No-one wants to find themselves in this kind of situation and with a few simple precautions you can save yourself a lot of stress and ensure that you make it home safely.
These top ten tips will help to keep you safe when you are out on a night out:
- Plan: Know where you are going and how you are going to leave at the end of the night
- Inform Someone: Make sure someone knows where you are going (family or friends)
- Mobile Phone: Always ensure your phone is charged and has credit
- Emergency Money: Carry cash in case you need to use a phone box, bus, train or taxi
- Safe Zones: Think of places nearby to go to if you feel threatened or concerned
- Drink Limit: Know your own limit and keep to it
- Time Limit: Decide a time you need to leave by and stick to it
- Separate Keys: Keep your keys separated if you can (if you lose your coat or bag frustration and stress can lead to further problems)
- If Threatened: Stay calm as panic will only increase anxiety and you will be unable to think clearly
- Self Confidence: If you appear confident and positive the likelihood of being challenged or harassed by unwanted people will be reduced
Stay Safe this Summer
For more advice on personal safety, speak to us at Quell as we have both open workshops and course tailored towards organisations requirements.
Quell’s Top Ten Tips for Keeping Safe on a Night Out
Quell’s Top Ten Tips for Keeping Safe on a Night Out this Winter
It’s been a great night out and you’ve had a few drinks and danced the night away. Somewhere along the way you seem to have lost your friends but you’ll give them a call on the mobile and catch up with them.
You go back to the table but they aren’t there and neither is your coat which contained your mobile, money and front door keys. The Door Supervisor asks you to leave and suddenly you find yourself outside alone and starting to worry. Out of the corner of your eye you see two suspicious characters crossing the road and heading in your direction…………….
No-one wants to find themselves in this kind of situation and with a few simple precautions you can save yourself a lot of stress and ensure that you make it home safely.
These top ten tips will help to keep you safe when you are out on a night out:
- Plan: Know where you are going and how you are going to leave at the end of the night
- Inform Someone: Make sure someone knows where you are going (family or friends)
- Mobile Phone: Always ensure your phone is charged and has credit
- Emergency Money: Carry cash in case you need to use a phone box, bus, train or taxi
- Safe Zones: Think of places nearby to go to if you feel threatened or concerned
- Drink Limit: Know your own limit and keep to it
- Time Limit: Decide a time you need to leave by and stick to it
- Separate Keys: Keep your keys separated if you can (if you lose your coat or bag frustration and stress can lead to further problems)
- If Threatened: Stay calm as panic will only increase anxiety and you will be unable to think clearly
- Self Confidence: If you appear confident and positive the likelihood of being challenged or harassed by unwanted people will be reduced