We have worked within this Industry for many years and have seen the changes come thick and fast. We also know that this will continue to be the trend for some considerable time in the future. Even with these on going developments and changes we have grasped the concepts introduced and made over the years and developed with them. We fully understand the degree of fears that can be associated with them, inclusive of the concerns many people have from organisations trying to get to grips with the different roles required to operate legally, through to individuals requiring the qualification to gain employment. The requirements are clear and the licensing is strict, but our relationships with all awarding bodies and licensing authorities are strong which ensures we can always deliver.
SIA Security Training Licence been revoked? Over the past week we have had quite a few people contact us at Quell and ask for advice on a letter they have received about having their licence revoked from the Security Industry Authority.
Physical Intervention Training in Northern Ireland (Upskilling Award) On Sunday I was delivering the new Door Supervisors Upskilling Award to 11 existing Door Supervisors and it was refreshing to see that once they realised that the new skills were effective and actually did what it said on the tin. (Physical Intervention)
Security Industry Authority announce more details about the Upskilling Door Supervisors Course. Public to benefit from better trained door supervisors 04 February 2013 The public will benefit from better trained door staff as new rules come into effect. From today [04 Feb], door supervisors renewing their Security Industry Authority licence will need to have…[Read More]
The Security Industry Authority have now put into place from today, the new criteria required for all Door Supervisors who do not have qualifications like Physical Intervention on their current licence and may require Upskilling Door Supervisors.
The Security Industry Authority have released more details about the inspections they are currently carrying out on Security Training Organisations. Remember if you are not properly trained by a reputable training organisation, and if they are found to be investigated for Malpractice, then your licence can be suspended.
Security Training: What’s the Best Course for Me? We at Quell receive a lot of questions about our Security Training including what is the best course or path to select to ensure they get a chance of gaining employment.
Door Supervision or Security Guarding Course in Northern Ireland On a daily basis we receive on average three or four phone calls or emails asking us why should I do a door supervision or security guarding course? Reason being is that a lot of security trained personnel keep thinking that the Door Supervison course is…[Read More]
Physical Intervention in the Security Sector: Who is at more at risk? We were recently asked the question above in relation to a Door Supervisor on a Nightclub door or a Security Guard in a department or supermarket?
Do you need your Door Upskilling Done? Since the announcement from the Security Industry Authority (SIA) recently, that if you completed your Door Supervisors Course before June 2010, well then you may need to attend a Door Upskilling Course.
Security Courses for Door Supervisors (Physical Intervention) Over the past month due to the rumours that the Door Supervisors will need to re-license with a physical intervention qualification in Feb 2013 has sparked an uptake in our 1-day upskilling package.