Quell Training

Reasons to have a workplace violence policy (A Staff’s perspective)

You will see below we have again given some relevant points towards the benefits of having a workplace violence policy for staff.

Staff can be loyal, trustworthy and professional and we as an organisation never doubt that one bit, but what we do always point out to directors, managers and supervisors is that when a member of staff are assaulted in the workplace a different cycle of events do begin, and the approach to the incident sometimes is not what you anticipated. For instance we all come to work every day thinking it will never happen to me or I will worry about it when it happens, and with our experience of dealing with this subject for some considerable time now, has taught us that when that unanticipated incident happens reactions from members of staff can be surprising and somewhat unbelievable at times.

That’s where the workplace violence policy comes in as it clearly directs all members of staff the line to follow and therefore builds confidence in the event of a situation developing. We have seen over the years very good and experienced members of staff become involved in situations that have escalated out of control and therefore resulting in both the organisation and person becoming entangled in legal problems, and the result was that the member of staff used their own experience without realising that it did harm to the organisation, because they did not have guidelines to follow:

Staff Benefits:

  1. You can help to ensure your staff’s safety.  Your staff is one of your biggest asset and you need to protect them from violence.
  2. Staff will become more aware of your commitment to their safety.
  3. Staff will have more confidence in using reporting procedures when they know how to do it.
  4. Staff will know who they can talk to if an incident arises.
  5. Your staff will have higher morale, being aware that there are mechanisms in place to protect and support them.
  6. You will benefit from lower staff turnover.  Staff recruitment is now very expensive.
  7. Staff will be able to conduct their duties with confidence knowing that they have been well trained to do their job.
  8. Staff will have confidence in the management structure and know that the management will have confidence in them too.
  9. Staff will be more confident in dealing with the public as a whole as they are more aware of what conflict issues there are.
  10. Once in place, these polices can be used as a training tool for new staff during the induction process. This will ensure staff awareness of the role they are about to embark on.

Will Holland






for more details on a workplace violence policy click here

Will Holland

Friday we will look at the benefits of the Legal side:



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