This course has become one of our fastest development courses for managers over the recent months, in both the United Kingdom and within the Island of Ireland. It has alerted those in roles of responsibilities to the risks faced by staff and the consequences of not being proactive in protecting staff. The course has not…[Read More]
Risk Assessing of Staff in Workplace Violence Should I carryout Risk Assessing of Staff in Workplace Violence or wait to see what may or may not happen?
Managing Lone Workers Training Trebles in the Current Climate We at Quell Training have seen an increase in our training packages due to mangers realising that they are more accountable if their lone working staff are injured or assaulted in the workplace.
Train the Trainer in Northern Ireland: What is the best course for me to be a………. We get asked by people on a regular basis which train the trainer course would be best for them in a vast collection of sectors.
Train the Trainer Course: Why Not Just Do a Short Course? Let’s face facts if you can do a course at a cheaper cost and also over a shorter time span, it would tempt you. However a word of warning should be attached to such courses, as you may go and pay for a course…[Read More]