So What Is Conflict & Resolution Skills Training All About?
Conflict & Resolution Skills training is still a relatively new field of study but the environment that a large number of people work within today means that it is becoming a valuable tool for individuals and organisations. Customer-facing organisations in particular are finding this training of immense benefit to their work-force as it better equips them to deal with the general public in particular.
Day-to-day challenges can make some people irritable, aggressive or rude. Attaining skills on how to handle these types of behaviours will help to calm and defuse a potentially threatening situation. The Conflict & Resolution Skills training that we deliver covers various types of scenarios and aims to give individuals the ability to recognise the types of ‘triggers’ that may impact on a person’s behaviour.
None of us want to be in an environment were incidents such as verbal abuse or even physical assault becomes the norm, but unfortunately in today’s society circumstances such as these do occur on a daily basis. Following the Conflict & Resolution Skills training path will not eliminate this behaviour, but it will give those individuals who have followed this training path a more rational and better informed approach to reach a resolution.
At Quell our team understand how day-to-day pressures can adversely affect how individuals interact with each other on both a personal and professional level. Our aim is to deliver Conflict & Resolution Skills training to all sectors that recognise a need to develop their individuals, to help support them with such pressures.