Personal Safety Training (Stalking)
Personal Safety Training (Stalking)
Recently we received a request for personal safety training, but to also include concerns staff had with the subject of stalking. On first listening to the request everyone in the team did think the worst case scenario, however when we met the clients and staff it was apparent that this was all very low key in their opinion.
The problems faced were things like: Individuals appearing unexpectedly at the office, standing at local bus stops and more intimidating was a male sat on the members of staff car in a private car park. One of the things that raised our concerns was the amount of excuses that were used to excuse this type of behaviour, from the “person” was just being friendly to they may have a mental health problem.
I can honestly say that it was a bold move for the manager to stand up and clearly say something was not right. Where we came into the fold was from the angle of support and guidance, as we interjected fresh ideas of logging and recording so we could show the Police that their was an actual pattern, through to changing certain routines. The most benefit the staff gained from the overall process was that they realised that they were not alone and that designing contingency plans assist with creating confidence.
It has been two months since the training, and not only have the incidents decreased rapidly, the confidence and working together as a team has clearly been seen.
Without going into the finer details of the training and support we supplied, we would advise that if you have concerns or would like clarification on this subject please don’t ask us see organisations like the stalking professionals as they give clear information on the signs to see before its to late.
If you would like to know more about our approach to training like this, then contact us on the details below.