Quell Training

Posts tagged: Workplace Violence

Physical Intervention Training in Northern Ireland (Upskilling Award) On Sunday I was delivering the new Door Supervisors Upskilling Award to 11 existing Door Supervisors and it was refreshing to see that once they realised that the new skills were effective and actually did what it said on the tin. (Physical Intervention)

  (British Retail Consortium) BRC RETAIL CRIME SURVEY The British Crime Survey has been released, and within the reams of information it is clear that there has been a shift in incidents.

Women’s Perception of Workplace Violence I work within the industry of “Workplace Violence” and when I mention that to people who ask me what I do, they sometimes immediately think because I am a woman that it is to do with “Domestic Violence”.

This question was given to us recently when we were delivering personal safety training to Physiologists/Care Assistants when carrying out lone working in areas of risk.

Physical Intervention in the Security Sector: Who is at more at risk? We were recently asked the question above in relation to a Door Supervisor on a Nightclub door or a Security Guard in a department or supermarket?

Quell is pleased to have worked with Age NI in developing a specific course to meet their requirements in respect of Lone Working, and ensuring the safety of their Staff. We continue to develop our reputation in many sectors both here in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, and this has open up more opportunities for us…[Read More]

Dealing with Aggressive Customers Panorama recently did an insight into the world of Gambling within the UK, and apart from the excellent information around the subject of gambling addiction it did highlight the aggressive natures that can come with any addiction.

Quell recently delivered training to staff within Land & Property Services.  From the initial discussions with Quell until after the training was delivered, I was impressed with Quell’s attention to detail and their commitment to delivering what was required by LPS as the customer. The trainer Will Holland was excellent in his ability to adapt…[Read More]

Dealing with Difficult and Aggressive People Courses in Dublin                Quell recently delivered, in partnership with Irish Council for Social Housing, further courses for their members in Dealing with Difficult and Aggressive People in Dublin.

Conflict Management Training for the Housing Sector Quell has again delivered a well received workshop on Conflict Management for the Housing Sector, our experience and understanding of their needs has again proven to be successful as the feedback and interest in future workshops is evident.