Quell Training

Post categorized: United Kingdom & Ireland

Below is from one of our new clients, and we are pleased to show you how well our training is being received. Excellent course!  Highly recommended! Organisations required to provide lone working and personal safety staff training should consider this course. The commitment from Quell to ensure they delivered a fully informed, up to date,…[Read More]

  Does Conflict affect the way we live… …Of Course it does!  A significant number of people will say that nothing triggers them and that they have the ‘patience of a Saint’! Well in fact admitting that small things set of a trigger in us that causes us to verbally or physically react to something…[Read More]

Bullying or Harassment Training, which one should we choose? The above question is something I get asked on a regular basis by new clients and it is always a topical subject as you might imagine. Why? Well when we say the word “Bullying” it sometimes creates the image of School and the playground and it…[Read More]

Women’s Perception of Workplace Violence I work within the industry of “Workplace Violence” and when I mention that to people who ask me what I do, they sometimes immediately think because I am a woman that it is to do with “Domestic Violence”.

Security Training: What’s the Best Course for Me? We at Quell receive a lot of questions about our Security Training including what is the best course or path to select to ensure they get a chance of gaining employment.

Train the Trainer in Northern Ireland: What is the best course for me to be a………. We get asked by people on a regular basis which train the trainer course would be best for them in a vast collection of sectors.

Door Supervision or Security Guarding Course in Northern Ireland On a daily basis we receive on average three or four phone calls or emails asking us why should I do a door supervision or security guarding course? Reason being is that a lot of security trained personnel keep thinking that the Door Supervison course is…[Read More]

This question was given to us recently when we were delivering personal safety training to Physiologists/Care Assistants when carrying out lone working in areas of risk.

Physical Intervention in the Security Sector: Who is at more at risk? We were recently asked the question above in relation to a Door Supervisor on a Nightclub door or a Security Guard in a department or supermarket?

Quell is pleased to have worked with Age NI in developing a specific course to meet their requirements in respect of Lone Working, and ensuring the safety of their Staff. We continue to develop our reputation in many sectors both here in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, and this has open up more opportunities for us…[Read More]