Quell Training

Post categorized: United Kingdom & Ireland

Dealing with Aggressive People or Potentially Violent Risks? Over the past few weeks we have looked at incidents of rage on air lines through to riots in the UK Mainland, but as the media reports on one incident after another, smaller acts of aggression and violence are sometime overlooked. What we are going to do…[Read More]

Prevention of Verbal Abuse Training (Part 2) Yesterday we looked at the organisational abuse of when a person starts to use verbal abuse to vent their frustration at not receiving the service they wanted.

Prevention of Verbal Abuse Training (Part 1) What is it? We are going to look at what verbal abuse training is and how it can affect the way we work, and also how we block it at times to prevent hassle or escalation. Abuse has many variations and descriptions of what it is and also…[Read More]

Cancer Choices an Independent Holistic Cancer Information and Support Centre based in Dungannon supporting people affected by cancer engaged the services of Quell Training in response to identified needs of Staff, Service Providers and Volunteers for Lone worker & Personal Safety training. The training was tailored to meet the organisations specific requirements. The training itself…[Read More]

Personal Safety Training (Meeting off-site or Home Visits) Meetings off-site, making home visits to clients are usually carried out by lone, mobile or home workers, however please remember when we talk about Lone, Mobile or Home workers, we are looking at someone who does not have immediate help or assistance.

Personal Safety Training (Walking– Being Followed) This is a frightening subject to a lot of people and I have seen many ideas and tools on the internet to help you keep safe, but when you go through some of them they can be a little long winded and go into far too much detail, so…[Read More]

Personal Safety Training  (Parking) I would like to look at parking so as to ensure your personal safety, along with a few tips on how on park safely. These tips can be used not only when you are working, but also in your personal time as well.

Personal Safety Training (Driving – Being Followed) So why do we think it is important to train our staff in how to react safely when driving, and when I mean driving I am focusing on the subject of being followed. If anyone has been followed (and that includes myself) they can tell you it is…[Read More]

Conflict & Resolution Skills training is still a relatively new field of study but the environment that a large number of people work within today means that it is becoming a valuable tool for individuals and organisations. Customer-facing organisations in particular are finding this training of immense benefit to their work-force as it better equips…[Read More]

This week we are going to look at 3 different perspectives of why we need a workplace violence policy. Over the past few weeks we have had different interpretations and points of view added to both our blogs and our training sessions with various companies. We have also approached it from the angle ‘why bother’,…[Read More]