Quell Training

Post categorized: General

Prevention of Verbal Abuse Training (Part 3) If you have been following this blog over the past few days you will or should have seen the build-up and hopefully have been playing along in the game of guessing what comes next.

Prevention of Verbal Abuse Training (Part 2) Yesterday we looked at the organisational abuse of when a person starts to use verbal abuse to vent their frustration at not receiving the service they wanted.

Prevention of Verbal Abuse Training (Part 1) What is it? We are going to look at what verbal abuse training is and how it can affect the way we work, and also how we block it at times to prevent hassle or escalation. Abuse has many variations and descriptions of what it is and also…[Read More]

Personal Safety Training (Meeting off-site or Home Visits) Meetings off-site, making home visits to clients are usually carried out by lone, mobile or home workers, however please remember when we talk about Lone, Mobile or Home workers, we are looking at someone who does not have immediate help or assistance.

Personal Safety Training (Walking– Being Followed) This is a frightening subject to a lot of people and I have seen many ideas and tools on the internet to help you keep safe, but when you go through some of them they can be a little long winded and go into far too much detail, so…[Read More]

Personal Safety Training (Driving – Being Followed) So why do we think it is important to train our staff in how to react safely when driving, and when I mean driving I am focusing on the subject of being followed. If anyone has been followed (and that includes myself) they can tell you it is…[Read More]

Below is from one of our new clients, and we are pleased to show you how well our training is being received. Excellent course!  Highly recommended! Organisations required to provide lone working and personal safety staff training should consider this course. The commitment from Quell to ensure they delivered a fully informed, up to date,…[Read More]

Bullying or Harassment Training, which one should we choose? The above question is something I get asked on a regular basis by new clients and it is always a topical subject as you might imagine. Why? Well when we say the word “Bullying” it sometimes creates the image of School and the playground and it…[Read More]

Women’s Perception of Workplace Violence I work within the industry of “Workplace Violence” and when I mention that to people who ask me what I do, they sometimes immediately think because I am a woman that it is to do with “Domestic Violence”.

Quell is pleased to have worked with Age NI in developing a specific course to meet their requirements in respect of Lone Working, and ensuring the safety of their Staff. We continue to develop our reputation in many sectors both here in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, and this has open up more opportunities for us…[Read More]