Work Related Violence Training Work related violence training is yet another phrase that we come across now on a regular basis, as someone has heard from someone else or they have attended a seminar on Health & Safety and remember it is something that may need addressed, but still are not sure of what…[Read More]
This course has become one of our fastest development courses for managers over the recent months, in both the United Kingdom and within the Island of Ireland. It has alerted those in roles of responsibilities to the risks faced by staff and the consequences of not being proactive in protecting staff. The course has not…[Read More]
Dealing with Violence in the workplace Dealing with Violence in the workplace is a very powerful and sensitive subject for many employers and employees, as it can have massive consequences if not dealt with or prevented correctly. The subject of any type of Violence in a person’s life has the victims suffering from depression, lack…[Read More]
Lone Working Training in Southern Ireland You may be surprised to learn that we at Quell have had a significant interest and influx of requests for training from the South of Ireland, and the interest levels seem to be continuing each week. What can this be put down to? Employers? Realising that they have a…[Read More]
Flying away from aggressive behavior As the economy emerges from the financial crisis of 2008, people have more disposable income to work with. So as a result air travel is on the rise. With more and more people opting for a foreign holiday, naturally there will be an increased number of people making use of…[Read More]
I want to train all my staff in Personal Safety Training incorporating how to fight off an armed attacker? This comment is a line that some of our new clients are using, as they have been told that it is the safest way to cover all the subjects of protecting your staff, with the…[Read More]
Crisis Management or Physical Intervention? We often get asked about our training and again it does border on the fringes of confusion when there are so many different terms for so many different types of delivery.
Over the past few years I have had occasion to sit on both sides of the “training fence” being a full time tutor but often still needing to take on the role of learner myself. I might do this to refresh old skills or learn some new ones or possibly to develop myself in areas…[Read More]
Breakaway Training: Do we need it? We have been asked over the years about breakaway training, and this has been asked by all sectors from Public, Private, Voluntary to name a few but we have always stuck by our guidelines of what is the risk faced.
It’s been a great night out – you’ve had a few drinks and danced the night away. Somewhere along the way you seem to have lost your friends but you’ll give them a call on the mobile and catch up with them.