Quell Training

Post categorized: General

Managing Aggressive People Training: “What if it is Internal Staff?” This question was asked to us via our website question form and it highlights some of the pressures that are being witnessed within the workplace.

Physical Intervention Courses: When is it needed? We at Quell receive enquires every week for our tailored courses in respect of Personal Safety, Lone Working or Conflict Management and after a discussion with one of the Quell team they do ask if we feel they may need a physical skill as well to help staff…[Read More]

  How do I make my reception safer for my staff? Risk Assessment This question came through our website yesterday and for us to answer is difficult but not impossible, but it does also tell us that some members of staff are realising that they may need to make adjustments to ensure their staff are…[Read More]

Crisis Management or Physical Intervention? We often get asked about our training and again it does border on the fringes of confusion when there are so many different terms for so many different types of delivery.

Managing Lone Workers Trainingis another essential tool that anyone who is responsible for others is needed but lets see Why?

  Dealing with Aggressive Colleagues and Staff Training: Is it needed? Another question was asked to a member of the Quell team recently, when we were carrying out training in respect of Lone Working.

Dealing with Aggression Training Nobody likes to openly admit that they are faced with aggression or that they are unable to cope with incidents, or need to consider dealing with aggression training, but some members of staff have become a little distracted from the fact that sometimes they can be in a situation where their…[Read More]

When Do I Stop worrying about Personal Safety This subject was discussed with me and a colleague just recently after I was involved in what can be termed as a minor incident on my return North from Dublin.

Anyone who comes into contact with clients or customers has a level of risk. We may make it sound like everyone that speaks to someone can face a potential threat –  well,  as we have found through our experience over the years  it is not as simple as that.

Lone Working Training: Have you ever assessed yourself   The above question is asking you if you have ever done or not done a quick assessment on yourself when lone working. What do I mean in this context, well what I am asking you to do is at point during your day, ask yourself the…[Read More]