Quell Training

Posts tagged: Ireland

Lone Working Training in Southern Ireland You may be surprised to learn that we at Quell have had a significant interest and influx of requests for training from the South of Ireland, and the interest levels seem to be continuing each week. What can this be put down to? Employers? Realising that they have a…[Read More]

Managing Lone Workers: Are we supporting our staff enough? The question is simple enough and if you can say “yes” as a manager, supervisor or even a team leader then that is good news, as it seems that you have not only thought of safe systems of work, but have put things in place to…[Read More]

Crisis Management Training in Ireland Over the years we have been delivering crisis management in Ireland in its various forms that relate to workplace violence, and recently more and more companies are requesting the training to be directed to their concerns instead of the run of the mill generic training that some have received over…[Read More]

There has been a lot of media focus on the subject of Workplace Violence Policies recently but how many of us actually know what this type of policy is for? This is a question that John Morris, Senior Trainer at Quell is happy to shed some light on: ‘Clearly the most important issue is that…[Read More]

  This is a simple phrase we come across from time to time in relation to the training we deliver. However, just because your organisation might think this form of training is only suited to customer facing organisations, you might be shocked to know a high degree of problems with aggressive behaviour can also be…[Read More]

Dealing with Aggressive Customers in the Retail Sector The issue The poll of 800 shop workers by ‘The Recruitment Website’ found that almost all of them had regularly suffered abuse with almost two out of three workers claiming that they had been shouted and sworn at. In the workplace, one of the most difficult situations…[Read More]

If I need Lone Worker Training for my Staff what should I consider? The other night at a seminar I was asked “what things should I consider from a company which supplies Lone Worker Training for my staff?” Very good question as it opened a series of questions which could have ended us discussing all…[Read More]

  I want to train all my staff in Personal Safety Training incorporating how to fight off an armed attacker? This comment is a line that some of our new clients are using, as they have been told that it is the safest way to cover all the subjects of protecting your staff, with the…[Read More]

Crisis Management or Physical Intervention? We often get asked about our training and again it does border on the fringes of confusion when there are so many different terms for so many different types of delivery.

  Dealing with Aggressive Colleagues and Staff Training: Is it needed? Another question was asked to a member of the Quell team recently, when we were carrying out training in respect of Lone Working.