Quell Training

Posts tagged: Workplace Violence

Recently whilst carrying out training needs analysis within an organisation the above question was asked.  The person asking the question did not ask it in a callous way or indeed mean any intent of questioning the training that was being provided, but it was asked in the manner of why has it got to a…[Read More]

Dealing with Violence in the workplace Dealing with Violence in the workplace is a very powerful and sensitive subject for many employers and employees, as it can have massive consequences if not dealt with or prevented correctly. The subject of any type of Violence in a person’s life has the victims suffering from depression, lack…[Read More]

  This was a question asked from a person who enquired about information on the training we provide. It is a very relevant one and does highlight the confusion some people may think of when looking into what we do as a training company. What is confidence training and what effect does it have on…[Read More]

In customer service jobs we come across this problem quite often, and the result can be due to someone that is either frustrated with the organisation or the person in front of them. Some training over the years that I have seen has been giving tips on how to judge the distance, for instance imagine…[Read More]

Lone Working Training in Southern Ireland You may be surprised to learn that we at Quell have had a significant interest and influx of requests for training from the South of Ireland, and the interest levels seem to be continuing each week. What can this be put down to? Employers? Realising that they have a…[Read More]

Dealing with Aggressive Customers in Retail Sector Recently we have been requested to design specific programmes for the retail sector as they have identified a clear risk to staff, however at first glance of the title it may appear to be a simple problem? The problem in retail we have recently encountered is not just…[Read More]

Managing Lone Workers: Are we supporting our staff enough? The question is simple enough and if you can say “yes” as a manager, supervisor or even a team leader then that is good news, as it seems that you have not only thought of safe systems of work, but have put things in place to…[Read More]

Preventing Workplace Violence Training and why? A manager for a public service rang me recently to talk about preventing workplace violence training, and then went on to tell me that no-one takes him seriously especially his senior management. As part of this discussion I explained to him that a high percentage of people who don’t understand…[Read More]

Dealing with Violence in the Workplace Training Whenever we mention the subject of workplace violence to our new clients, the expression we often encounter does sometimes initiate us to reply with “it’s not as bad as it sounds”.

Dealing with Aggression in Education Aggression/bullying in learning environments is an ever growing concern. With beatings, death threats, and 24-hour harassment via technology, bullying has become a dangerous, life-threatening epidemic. It is an ever more popular approach for schools to take a zero tolerance policy on bullying. But how do they go about enforcing this?…[Read More]